RIP RiSe, Ladies’ Code Updates

At 10:10 AM KST on September 7th, Kwon RiSe has passed away.

After losing EunBi earlier this week, and seeing the news footage from her wake and funeral, I really did not think my heart could take any more hurt. But today, it has been revealed that RiSe has passed. Considering the extent of her injuries, it seemed as though it would take a miracle for her to pull through. Unfortunately that miracle did not come.

Sojung is not in critical condition, has received all of her surgeries, and has shown mental awareness. She does know of Eunbi’s death. This information can be found, with Korean sources, in the Reddit link above.

Rise was so accomplished for her age. She took part in beauty pageants. She was a member of one of the most promising girl groups of 2013. Growing up in Japan, she was bi-lingual in Korean and Japanese, an admirable quality, for sure.

I’m still in shock. While this was more expected at this time than the sudden news of Eunbi, however it still hurts. Considering her injuries, maybe it is for the best that RiSe has passed and is now in in a better place with Eunbi and her own deceased loved ones. Honestly I am not the type of person to believe in Heaven, even when I have lost my own family members, but regardless, if they are there, or anywhere else, I only hope that they are looking down and understand what lovely ladies they both were and how much they have done for so many people, and will now protect over the remaining members and their families.

This past week, I’ve been re-reading my own blog posts and even my iTunes review of Ladies’ Code’s releases, and I realized how much I truly did love them, only it’s too late. Maybe it’s premature of me to say so, but I highly doubt this group will release any more material, and it’s likely in the best interests of the three surviving members, as I’m sure it will take them a long time to recover emotionally (and physically) from this ordeal. The company would be foolish to replace Eunbi or RiSe.

I definitely was not as attached to RiSe as I was Eunbi, but this is still heartbreaking news. Considering the negligence surrounding this case, I am hoping that the families resolve it to their satisfaction, and that this situation alerts other companies to take extra precautions in the future.

I can only rest with my thoughts that Eunbi and RiSe are now together; Ashley, Zuny, and Sojung are not in critical condition, and that during their run, Ladies’ Code released some of the best music in K-Pop that made me smile whenever I heard it.

Ladies’ Code deserved much better than this. I am continuing to keep all of the girls and their families/loved ones in my thoughts.

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